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Begley's Bargains: Cleaning out your wallet

Brittany shows you a few apps to make your wallet lighter.

I don’t know about you, but my wallet is like an onion...

Opening it makes me cry! #MomJoke

On a serious note, I know I'm not alone because our ABC10 Facebook friends made it their New Year's Resolution to save money! 

New Year, New Bargains. What's your money hack? Need help with saving money on beauty products... I'm your girl! #MorningBlend10

Let's turn your New Year's resolution into a reality, starting with “forgotten dollars." Sometimes, we sign up for monthly subscriptions like magazines or apps and we forget all about them. Slowly over time, you forget about the $5.99 monthly charge and end up nickel-and-dimed to death. Apps like Mint and Trim will send you reminders of all your monthly charges.

After you take care of all of your small monthly charges, it's time to roll up your sleeves and really commit to saving money. Make an action plan to refinance your car and renegotiate your cable bill. 


If you live in an apartment, you'll want to check out the prices and deals for the new year. One time, I saved $250 a month by moving into the apartment below me!

Also, as we get into the new year, it's time to get ready to throw away your junk. Once, I paid half my mortgage by selling my shoes, purses and dresses. One person’s junk is another one’s treasure!

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