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Viewers, staff share impressions of News10 and television over last 60 years

The community and viewers are vitally important to News10. We asked what do you remember or stays with you about the station and television programming in general in the six decades since KXTV went on air.
News10, an ABC affiliate

The community and viewers are vitally important to News10. We asked what do you remember or resonates with you about the station and television programming in general in the six decades since KXTV went on air.

Jason Carver - Jennifer Smith and Dick Cable will always be in my mind as the most prominent icon in News 10 history. I had watched other news stations as a kid but those two news anchors spoke about the news on a level that everyone could understand without getting too technical. News 10 also taught me much about the weather back in the old day and when I was a little kid , I used to pretend to be a weather anchor from channel 10

George Warren - When I arrived at KXTV in 1981, the station had only been on the air for 26 years. How strange that seems now!

We were Eyewitness News and the newsroom was in what is now the sales office space off the front lobby. Although it was 1981, it kind of felt like 1955. We used rotary phones and manual typewriters. Although people smoked freely in the building, the GM had to put out a memo warning the staff that he would fire the next person he caught grinding out a cigarette butt on the floor.

We communicated via two-way radios and one-way pagers. Every reporter and photographer knew where they could find a clean payphone in every part of our coverage area. Bonus: If you had an assignment outside the Sacramento metro area, you could expense the lunch—which may or may not have included a beer or margarita.

We didn't have donut days, but the general manager would occasionally open a tab after work on payday at Shanley's, which later became Jamie's.

I started in the Modesto Bureau (my apartment) and shipped 3/4inch raw tape daily via Greyhound to be edited in Sacramento and I got paid $21 per package. I didn't care because I was thrilled to be working in the 19th market two years out of college.

I was named weekend anchor in 1982 and moved to Sacramento, but I was still young and green and legendary anchor Dick Cable liked to mess with me by asking questions on the air that he knew I couldn't answer. Good times.

I figured I would work at KXTV for a year or two before moving on to San Francisco or some other large market—but I ended up really liking it here. The staff was phenomenal and we were like a big family. Although we'd have an occasional good ratings book, the market was always dominated by KCRA—although we all knew (and they did to) that we were the better station.

I learned a lot from the people who were here when I arrived and I miss them a lot, but I'm encouraged by the enthusiasm and talent of the younger people who are now coming up. Although our industry is undergoing tremendous upheaval, people remain the core of the business and we've got some good ones here.

Happy Anniversary!

Janice Jordan - That the anchors got cuter and funnier.

Dennise Walker -Color TV. Our next door neighbors were the first in our neighborhood to get color TV and used to invite us over to watch Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday nights. It was a really big treat!

Joyce Salsberry - That your weather reports are more accurate than the other channels! You just need a "call kurtis" to help the people.

Michelle Gaskill, News10 production assistant, chyron operator, engineer, editor, graphic artist, web producer, associate news producer, etc. - When I started here in 1991. Microsoft Windows didn't exist, scripts were written on a typewriter and had carbon copies. The control room was staffed with six people … and we were a CBS affiliate. A lot of changes through the years but one thing has remained constant: This has always been a building full of fabulous, friendly, hard-working people

Void Munashii - I wonder what those journalists of yesteryear would think of the quality of journalism being done now.

Diane Silva - I remember when News10 was called Newsservice ten and was a CBS station. Watched Dick Cable as anchor and Harry Stockman on weather. Great team

Tim Daly, News10 reporter - I've realized through the years, News10 is the only Sacramento TV station I'd ever want to to work for. Managers have consistently (well, except one or two ) allowed its reporters / photographers to make news judgments by themselves that help determine that night's news coverage. There's been a strong trust in reporters to find stories that matter, and tell them in a responsible manner. I tell people, when I talk with groups, we treat our viewers like adults (meaning we don't dumb everything down --- we don't chase every shooting, or traffic accident ).

Vicky Sanchez - I enjoy the news anchors and just the way everything is reported, great station channel 10

Steve Cornelius, News10 director - The more things change, the more they stay the same ... it still comes down to people

Nola Németh-Odens - Dick Cable. Love the current team immensely, but he was an old-school broadcaster: objective. Miss that.

Mary Harbison-Sindle - Great station my most watched for 43 years.

Kemra Slater - It is just a class act news station

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