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Child injured in Sacramento crash that killed 3 says it was all a terrible accident

Uriah Neal doesn't think her mom intentionally crashed the car carrying nine children.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, Calif. — It's been two weeks since a car carrying 11 people crashed in Sacramento, killing two kids and one adult.

Sacramento police say 28-year old Precious Flowers was driving when she hit a tree along San Juan Road in Natomas. 

Flowers is now facing charges connected to the crash and family members say they don't believe it was intentional.

"I know Precious knows that corner like the back of her hand. We have lived there 20 years and so did she," said Mary Neal.

Her granddaughter, Uriah, made it out alive.

"I'm so blessed. I'm so happy my baby survived that," said Neal.

Rayshawna Armstrong and her son Zayden were killed along with Uriah's 5-year old cousin, Alex.

Uriah — still in her wheelchair with bandages and cuts all over her body —  says she remembers the moments leading up to the crash.

"I just remember my mom slamming her brakes super hard and then I looked down... I don't (remember) after that," said Uriah.

Uriah says she didn't feel any pain but was unsure about who was still alive, including her mom.

"We went to the hospital. I didn't think she was alive. I didn't know if anybody was alive," she said.

Flowers faced a judge for the first time Tuesday after being charged with three counts of vehicular manslaughter and nine counts of child endangerment.

Despite the charges, Uriah doesn't believe her mother did it on purpose.

"I feel like it was an accident, and she didn't mean for it to happen," she said.

Unsure of when she'll be able to see her mom again, Uriah wants people to know how she truly feels.

"I would say that I'm sorry to her that all this had to happen, and I do love her and miss her," she said.

The family is in the process of planning funerals and doing what they can to support those still recovering in the hospital. They have three GoFundMe pages to help cover the cost of those expenses.

You can find them here:

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