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Political analysts weigh in on Kamala Harris' presidential campaign

Democratic strategists believe Harris will double down on her stance on abortion rights.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Wednesday was a full campaign day for Kamala Harris as she continued her efforts in Indianapolis. Analysts believe it will be a tight race against Donald Trump to the White House.

"With your support, I am fighting for our nation's future," said Harris.

Harris stayed focused on her campaign as President Joe Biden is set to deliver remarks on why he's no longer seeking re-election. Republican analysts tell ABC10 his decision to drop out of the race and endorse Harris was most likely due to the debate against Trump.

"I think that obviously the debate had put a lot of space between Donald Trump and President Biden. I do think that the Democrats were scared," said Republican strategist Tamika Hamilton.

Harris quickly started her campaign after Biden's endorsement. Democratic strategists say they believe one of her tactics will be her stance on abortion rights.

"I think women on the Roe v. Wade issue, she's going to be there 100% and I think she's going to draw out a lot of women to vote," said California Democratic Delegate Alan Geraci.

During Harris' appearance in Indianapolis, she criticized Trump's involvement in overturning Roe v. Wade.

"When I am President of the United States and when Congress passes a law to restore those freedoms, I will sign it into law," said Harris.

Meanwhile, Trump's running mate JD Vance doubled down on issues currently impacting the community.

"I have people who work for me, who make good salaries, and they can't afford to buy a house in this Kamala Harris economy," said Vance.

State campaign finance records show Trump donated $6,000 to Harris' campaign for California Attorney General in 2014. Records also show both Donald and Ivanka Trump donated $3,000 total to Gavin Newsom in 2009.

WATCH MORE ON ABC10: Author of Kamala Harris biography reflects on the VP’s history in CA

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