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Political experts weigh in on Newsom's future with Kamala Harris' presidential run

Some experts believe it could be close to 10 years before people see Newsom running for president.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Governor Gavin Newsom has been a main player during the election cycle as he openly campaigned for President Joe Biden. Now that Biden has dropped out, experts on both sides believe Newsom has a variety of options to further his career.

"Gavin Newsom has been a very good soldier for President Biden and that was easily translatable to Kamala Harris," said Democratic strategist Steve Maviglio.

Newsom's loyalty was clear Sunday when he tweeted his support for Kamala Harris' presidential campaign. Political analysts believe it's his way of trying to get a spot on her administration as she continues her campaign.

"After 2026 I would expect him to be either placed in the administration or in a position to help nationally because that is a stage that I think he would be really well suited towards," said Paul Mitchell, VP of Political Data.

Republican strategists, however, believe the governor wouldn't accept a cabinet position if Harris is elected president.

"He's very much, you know, wants to have his own moment and I just don't see him saying, 'Oh, I'll take a cabinet position,' I think he would like to stand on his own," said Republican strategist Tamika Hamilton.

As for whether or not Newsom could potentially serve as vice president to Harris? Experts say it's not possible.

"The Constitution would not allow electors from California to vote for both Harris and Newsom if they were a ticket, so the Democrats would have to sacrifice the 54 electoral votes from California if that was the ticket. That's just unacceptable for a party," said Barry Burden from the University of Wisconsin Madison's Elections Research Center.

Newsom has repeatedly said he wouldn't run against Harris in a presidential election. If she gets elected in November and then re-elected, it may be awhile before he gets his chance.

Experts believe Newsom will most likely try when the time is right.

"He's young enough that he has a career ahead of him and could wait that out, but it's going to require patience on his part," said Burden.

ABC10 reached out to Gov. Gavin Newsom's office and his campaign. His office referred us to his campaign and we have not heard back from his campaign manager.

WATCH MORE ON ABC10: California leaders react as Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race

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