SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Why Guy looks at why you may be putting too much information on your resume.
More isn’t always better. A single sheet of paper can stand between you and a highly desired job.
Wait, a single page? You have a lot to say to that prospective boss and one page may not do it. But, be careful, you could be putting too much info in your resume, here's why.
A one-page resume is probably enough for most of us.
"The higher up the food chain that you're going, the more information is needed on the resume. If you can fit it on one page and show that you're highly qualified, it's probably the best thing you can do," said Joel Alexis, a labor recruiter.
It's important to tailor your resume to the specific job you're seeking. Listing hobbies or skills that have nothing to do with the job may be impressive to you, but not so much to your prospective boss.
“It’s just too much. They're overwhelmed by having too much information in front of them and they're not sure where to look for your specific qualifications," Alexis said.
His advice is to put your qualifications for the specific job you're seeking at the top of your resume and follow with the jobs you've had that will help you build on those qualifications.
If you have ten or more years of experience, you may need a second page.
A study by the job search firm "The Ladders" revealed that job recruiters spend an average of 7.4 seconds looking at a resume before deciding if a prospective employee is worth a second look.
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