SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Why are so many teachers saying they're in the classroom now, but next year, maybe not?
The National Education Association called the results of their most recent survey a “five-alarm crisis."
Fifty-five percent of the respondents of their January survey say they expected to leave teaching earlier than anticipated due to issues including the pandemic.
Let's look at why the pandemic has taken such a toll on educators...
The nation was facing a teacher shortage before the pandemic. According to the NEA survey, many teachers had to take on extra duties due to unfilled job openings. Prior issues that existed before COVID-19 are more severe now.
Many teachers have been critical of the standardized tests that were dropped early in the pandemic but are now back. These tests are also used to gauge teacher performance.
Teachers responding to the NEA survey point to low pay and lack of respect from the public as reasons for wanting out of their jobs sooner than later.