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These changes at home can become big savings over time for energy use

Small changes to a daily routine can add up to a big savings over time.

ARDEN-ARCADE, Calif. — For Megan Shumway and her husband Dale, their home is a labor of love. 

The retired nurse and Vietnam veteran have invested a lot in their Arden Arcade home to make it energy efficient, including several solar panels and batteries to store the energy they generate.

"If I haven't had done all this, I know that I would be living on a much tighter budget than I am," Megan said.

If you don't have the time or money to install solar like Megan and Dale, you can take some steps now to improve your energy efficiency.

Start by doing an energy audit and find out where your home uses the most energy. Many utility companies offer free or low-cost energy audits.

You might find you can save some money by improving your insulation.

Small changes to a daily routine can add up to a big savings over time. This can include adjusting your thermostat. Experts recommend aiming for 78 degrees when you're home and higher when you're away.

Use appliances wisely. Run dishwashers and washing machines with full loads and air dry clothes whenever possible. 

For clothes, wash in cold water and dry on low. Turn off lights when you leave a room and unplug electronics when you're not using them.

To make the most out of your A/C, change your air filter often. When it's clogged, your system has to work harder and use more energy.

Other tips include using fans only in the room you're in and drawing your curtains. The Department of Energy said this can reduce your house heat by 33%.

To help save on your energy bill over time, you might consider investing in energy-efficient appliances, especially big energy users like your fridge, washer and dryer.


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