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'Supporting somebody's dream': Shop Black Friday event promotes Black-owned businesses in Sacramento

Small Business Saturday will also be held at Florin Square Saturday from noon to 7:00 p.m.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Dozens of Black entrepreneurs set up shop at Florin Square in South Sacramento for the 7th annual Shop Black Friday Sacramento event.

Community activist Berry Accius organized the event with the goal to support small Black-owned businesses.

"It's so important because the Black dollar does not circulate enough," said Accius. "This is an opportunity to know where your dollar is actually going, to a Black-owned business. It helps to support families and build businesses. Hopefully, we can see some of these folks move into brick and mortars and go on to bigger and better things."

Ina Delt, the owner of a jewelry business called Elephants and Earrings, participated in the event. She says she started the business four years ago, but not without facing some challenges.

"I hope to become a brick and mortar and get my own space where I can advertise and have customers come to me," said Delt. "The biggest thing is financial. It's finding the money for the products and the elements that I buy and breaking into different markets to get recognized and have a platform to sell my jewelry."

Ina says buying Black can help turn dreams into a reality.

"When you support a small business, you're supporting somebody's dream," said Delt. "So, people should always keep that in mind, to shop local and shop small and help to fulfill somebody's dream to make it come true."

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Gifty Edwards, owner of a faith-based business called Gift Keys Rock, agrees. She was at the event offering jewelry, clothing and more. Since millions of small businesses closed in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, Edwards says she's thankful to still be operating.

"When you support a Black-owned business, you are saying that we matter," said Edwards. "It does become challenging, but I have a great support system. I'm very grateful to be able to have a business that's been able to be sustained for this long, since 2018, still in 2023. So, I'm very grateful for that."

Outside of Black Friday shopping, Small Business Saturday will also be held at Florin Square Saturday from noon to 7:00 p.m. 

"This is a great opportunity for Black-owned businesses and Black entrepreneurs to highlight and showcase all of their items, gifts, talents and to just support Black-owned businesses," said Accius.

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