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California laws: What bills Newsom has signed and vetoed so far

As the deadline for nears for the governor's veto or signature, here's what Gov. Newsom has already approved and some of what he didn't.

SACRAMENTO, Calif — There are just days left for Governor Gavin Newsom to sign or veto multiple bills on his desk.

So far, California's governor has signed bills banning all plastic bags at grocery stores, enhancing protections for renters, streamlining housing laws and more.

He's also rejected some, such as a bill that would have made undocumented immigrants eligible for home loans under a state program.

Here's what's he's signed so far. He has until Sept. 30 to sign or veto other remaining bills.

Plastic Bag Ban

The new law signed by Gov. Newsom bans all plastic shopping bags. 

California had already banned thin plastic shopping bags at supermarkets and other stores, but shoppers could purchase bags made with a thicker plastic that purportedly made them reusable and recyclable.

The new measure, approved by state legislators last month, bans all plastic shopping bags starting in 2026. 

RELATED: California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores

Housing Proposals: Streamlined housing and new penalties

The package of laws Newsom signed could more state scrutiny and new penalties for pushback on housing and homeless shelter construction.

Supporters said the new laws are crucial for building more housing at all price levels and preventing local governments from skirting state laws.

Cities and counties will be required to plan for housing for very low-income people, streamline permitting processes and expand some renters’ protection. The attorney general will be allowed to pursue civil penalties upward of $50,000 a month against cities or counties for offenses such as failing to adopt a housing plan as required by the state.

RELATED: Newsom signs package of bills giving state more power to enforce housing laws

Renter Protections

Gov. Newsom signed a package of bills to increase accountability, transparency and efficiency around housing in California.  Some of the bills provide clarifications around security deposits.

"What it will require rental property owners to do is do some proof. So when the tenant moves in, they're gonna take pictures of the unit to show the condition that existed," said Debra Carlton, of the California Apartment Association.

Assembly Bill 2747 will allow tenants with good rental history to be reflected in their credit scores, and Senate Bill 611 prevents landlords from charging renters a fee if rent is paid by check.

Another bill, SB 900, allows management companies to start acting on issues with utilities like gas and electricity if a homeowners association doesn't act.


Election Deepfakes

Gov. Newsom signed three bills to crack down on the use of artificial intelligence to create false images or videos in political ads ahead of the 2024 election. 

A new law, set to take effect immediately, makes it illegal to create and publish deepfakes related to elections 120 days before Election Day and 60 days thereafter. It also allows courts to stop distribution of the materials and impose civil penalties.

Large social media platforms are also required to remove the deceptive material under a first-in-the-nation law set to be enacted next year. Newsom also signed a bill requiring political campaigns to publicly disclose if they are running ads with materials altered by AI.


Protecting Actors from Unauthorized AI

Gov. Newsom signed off on legislation aiming at protecting Hollywood actors and performers against unauthorized artificial intelligence that could be used to create digital clones of themselves without their consent.

The new law will allow performers to back out of existing contracts if vague language might allow studios to freely use AI to digitally clone their voices and likeness. The law is set to take effect in 2025.

RELATED: California governor signs laws to protect actors against unauthorized use of AI

Smash-and-Grab Crackdown

Gov. Newsom signed a bill bringing back tough criminal penalties targeting large-scale stealing schemes and smash-and-grab robberies that have fueled voter frustration across the state.

The new law requires prosecutors to start imposing harsher sentences again for those who damage or destroy property valued at more than $50,000 while committing a felony. A similar law expired in 2018. The new law will sunset by 2030.

RELATED: Newsom signs bill bringing back tough penalties for smash-and-grabs

Vetoed: Letting Undocumented Students Work on Campus

Newsom vetoed AB 2586, a bill that would have allowed undocumented students to work on a California public university campus.

In a veto statement, he said the potential consequences of the bill, including potential criminal and civil liability, kept him from signing it. He added that the courts need to address the legality of this type of policy and the legal theory behind it before moving forward.


Vetoed: Making Undocumented Immigrants Eligible for Home Loan Aid

Newsom vetoed AB 1840, which would have made undocumented immigrants eligible for loans under a state program offering assistance to first-time homebuyers.

Newsom said he could not sign the bill because of limited funding available for state housing assistance programs.

The bill had opposition from Republicans in California and beyond arguing that the state should prioritize housing assistance for resident in the country legally. Proponents said the legislation would have improved the quality of life for hard-working families, regardless of their immigration status.



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