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Who's spying on you in hotel rooms, public places?

Learn how to potentially spot hidden cameras and how to do a sweep of your hotel room before settling in, just in case.

We've all heard the horror stories of people being spied on with cameras in places like hotel rooms and bathrooms. You think you'd be able to spot a camera, but technology these days makes it tough.

With cameras that are so small and cheap now that they can be built into watches, phone chargers and all kinds of everyday appliances, we talked with a private investigator who took us through different types of hidden cameras.

In the Valley alone, a man was arrested for putting cameras in a Valley dentists' bathroom. Just eight months later, he was arrested for hiding cameras in Cold Stone bathroom in Avondale. 

RELATED: Man arrested after camera found hidden in restroom of Phoenix dental office

With more stories of hidden cameras being placed in AirBnB's, hotel rooms, bedrooms, we look at how you can protect yourself.

Dorian Bond, a private investigator for the last 20 years, booby-trapped a hotel room with hidden cameras for Team 12's Nicole Zymek to find.

"If I wasn't looking for cameras, knowing that there are cameras here, there's no way I would see that," Zymek said while looking for cameras.

After Bond stepped out of the room, she was able to find three of the cameras, but you'd be shocked at how many she missed, including one that Bond was watching her in the room from his cell phone the entire time. 

Bond found easy hiding places in an alarm clock, the vent, the side lamp, the smoke detector, a bathroom hook, the closet, underneath a table and more.

Some quick tips from Bond: "There should only be one smoke detector, and you should question anything over the bed on the ceiling" when in a hotel room or AirBnB.

Learn how to potentially spot hidden cameras and how to do a sweep of your hotel room before settling in—just in case.

MORE: How to spot hidden cameras in hotels, vacation rentals

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