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Justice delayed for family of 11-year old boy killed by his father in Placerville

The father did not appear in court Tuesday

EL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. — Justice was delayed for the family of an 11-year old boy killed by his father.

The father of 11-year-old Roman Lopez, Jordan Piper, is currently serving 15 years in a federal prison in Oklahoma City for sexual exploitation of a minor.

It’s been almost four years since Roman Lopez was killed. He was reported missing on Jan. 11 2020 in Placerville and found later that day in a storage bin in the basement of his family’s home. Investigators said he was malnourished and dehydrated.

Almost a year later, Piper was arrested for his murder along with his step-mother, Lindsay Piper. She pleaded no contest and is currently serving 15 years to life.

Jordan Piper changed his plea to guilty in October. On Tuesday, he was scheduled to be sentenced via Zoom but never showed up.

“I spoke with my client this morning. He was anxious for this to occur today. He was doing everything he could to get a note to a correctional officer that he needed to be moved to a different room,” said Piper's defense attorney, Tasha Chalfant.

Both the Deputy District Attorney Jay Linden and Chalfant were upset with the lack of communication from the Federal Bureau of Prisons to have Piper appear.

“Phone calls to the prison, the Marshalls, the bailiff made attempts, and we were unable to get ahold of anybody,” said Linden.

Jordan Piper’s family traveled from Michigan and will now have to travel out again.

10 people also appeared via Zoom to give victim impact statements, and several started to cry when the postponement was announced.

“It’s very emotional, as the court stated, the court could have just taken their statements without Mr. Piper present, but the point of it being that he hears what his actions did, how his actions impacted these various victims lives. Because of course, it’s emotional, but I’m positive that they would rather say the things they have say to him than to the judge,” said Linden.

Sentencing has been postponed to Jan. 24. There is what’s called a status conference beforehand to make sure he will be made available.


Father, step-mother face murder charges after the death of Roman Lopez | October 29, 2021

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