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Stolen mail left scattered on Sacramento street sparks outrage

Sacramento Police Department said they are aware of the recent theft.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A new video is sparking outrage after stolen mail was literally left out on the street.

An ABC10 viewer said he was shocked to see mail all over the Northgate westbound off ramp.

“It was registered mail," said Chris Levey, a concerned citizen. "It was all kinds of mail that wasn’t even open. It was just laying there on the ground.” 

Chris Levy gathered the mail and snapped a picture before returning it to the post office. 

To add insult to injury, Levy said his neighborhood keeps getting hit by mail thieves. He first started noticing mailbox thefts in his neighborhood near Clay Creek in North Sacramento at the beginning of this year.

"I don't know what to do. I'm just going to go up the chain of command," said Levy.

Levy is concerned someone stole a master key, because they keep getting targeted. He said he's reported the thefts to the Postal Inspection Service's national line, but he hasn't gotten answers.

"Because they don't give a damn. It's not their mail. They don't care," said Levy.

Sacramento Police Department said they are aware of the recent theft.

“We will be sending patrols to those focused areas to help address any of those issues,” said Officer Cody Tapley, spokesperson for Sacramento Police Department. 

In the meantime, Levy is worried someone could get hurt.

"They say they're trying to help, and I have a feeling eventually someone is going to get hurt over this because the police department is not going to respond. And somebody is going to take matters into their owns hands when they see whoever is doing the mail theft," said Levy.

Police always discourage taking matters in your own hands and they insist they are listening.

"That's the biggest thing is if you're going through this as a person or having these issues in your neighborhood, you just want someone to hear your frustration and have them validated that the police are doing something," said Tapley. "We do have detectives that are following up on these investigations, and we are working day and night to try and track down the people responsible for this. Any information to help us find the people responsible, please call us."


West Sacramento community takes a stand to prevent thieves targeting their mail

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