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First COVID-19 death of a minor reported in Placer County

Placer County Public Health said in a statement that they would not be releasing any more details about the age or vaccination status of the person.
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Testing for presence of coronavirus. Tube containing a swab testing for COVID-19.

ROSEVILLE, Calif. — Placer County Public Health announced Friday that a minor had died from COVID-19 earlier in the summer. This is the county's first COVID-19  death of someone under 18 years old with no underlying health conditions.

“We extend our deepest sympathies to the family for their loss,” Interim Health Officer Dr. Rob Oldham said in a statement. “Every life lost prematurely to COVID is tragic, and this is particularly heartbreaking.”

Placer County Public Health told ABC10 that they would not be releasing any more details about the age or vaccination status of the person.

“It is important that residents stay up-to-date on COVID vaccinations,” Oldham said in a statement. “For the youngest children, that might mean completing their initial series. For older adults, that might mean a second booster. If you are eligible, do not wait to get your booster.”

Placer County has had more than 650 COVID-19 deaths since March 2020, most of which are elderly adults. According to Placer County Public Health, some case data is "less precise at this stage of the pandemic" partially because of increased at-home testing. 

According to the Placer County COVID-19 Dashboard, there have been 2 confirmed COVID-19 deaths so far in August and 11 confirmed deaths in July.

Find more information about where to get a COVID-19 vaccine HERE

Watch more on ABC10: Rainbow fentanyl found in Placer County

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