SAN DIEGO — The golden state is ranked as having the most confrontational drivers across the United States according to a survey published by Forbes Advisor. California is the top state with a high percentage of drivers who have experienced some type of road rage.
“Everybody is in a hurry, everything is too fast,” Driver Arel Levinson said.
The survey says right behind California falls Missouri, Utah and Oklahoma. Meanwhile, Hawaii has the most polite drivers.
“People when you're trying to get over a lane and they see you with a blinker and instead of slowing down to let you over they speed up and you're thinking...what is going on,” Tina Carpenter said.
According to the survey, 11% of drivers in California said another driver has exited their vehicle to yell or fight them.
“I have encountered road rage and I'm a school teacher and I've had guys flip me off and I just want to think they didn't have the right sixth grade teacher obviously,” Carpenter said.
Meanwhile, eight and a half percent of drivers experience road rage frequently from other drivers in California.
The insurance company "Allstate" is offering tips to avoid road rage incidents:
- Give yourself time to get where you're going
- Only use your horn if necessary
- Don't drive while experiencing intense emotion
Some ways to avoid road rage from other drivers include:
- Remove yourself from the situation
- Apologize after a mistake
- Call for help if necessary
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