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Verify: Are half of California's children on Medicaid?

The GOP’s health care bill won’t see a vote in the U.S. Senate until after their July 4th recess.

The GOP’s health care bill won’t see a vote in the U.S. Senate until after their July Fourth recess.

But that hasn’t stopped California’s senior senator, Dianne Feinstein, from speaking out against the legislation.

This tweet on Medicaid -- California’s version is called Medi-Cal -- caught our attention. So we decided to look into her claim.

Are half of California’s children really on Medicaid?

Here’s what we found out:

Spokeswoman Ashley Schapitl in Sen. Feinstein’s office pointed us to data from the nonpartisan California Budget & Policy Center.

Their analysis of state Department of Finance data shows that more than 5.2 million children under 18 years old statewide are on Medicaid.

As for the total child population in California, the state’s Finance Department released new projections in March.

As of 2016, there were more than 9.2 million children statewide.

“When you look at the age 0 to 18 group, that works out to over 50 percent of kids in California who rely on Medi-Cal for their health care,” California Budget & Policy Center Director of Research Scott Graves said.

So, Sen. Feinstein is on the mark, half of California’s children -- more than half actually - are on Medicaid.

Bottom line, her claim is verified.

VERIFY: Sources

Ashley Schapitl, Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s spokeswoman

Scott Graves, California Budget & Policy Center Director of Research

California Department of Finance, "Department of Finance releases new state population projections," accessed June 29, 2017

California Budget & Policy Center, "Medi-Cal enrollees comprise more than one-quarter of the population in 49 of California's 58 counties," accessed June 29, 2017

VERIFY: Resources

READ: Medi-Cal enrollee data

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