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Verify: Did millions of Californians vote 'many times?'

President Trump claimed Thursday that millions of Californians voted "many times." Is that true?

On Thursday, President Donald Trump repeated a familiar claim about voter fraud in California that caught our attention.

"In many places, like California, the same person votes many times...millions and millions of people," Trump said.

We decided to verify his claim.

'Same old lies'

First, we reached out to the California Secretary of State's office, which certifies election results.

In a statement, Secretary of State Alex Padilla told us that "it is sad that the president continues to recycle his same old lies."

"Trump was even forced to dissolve his sham election commission, which was a waste of taxpayer dollars and failed to provide a shred of evidence to support his voter fraud lies," Padilla said.

According to CALmatters, Padilla's office opened 89 elections complaint cases in 2016. That's not even close to a million people.

Moreover, Padilla's spokesman, Sam Mahood, notes that "doesn't mean they all involved voter fraud or that they even ended up being actual violations."

Bottom line, Trump's voter fraud claim is not verified.

VERIFY: Sources

The Associated Press, "The Latest: Trump back on immigration theme," April 5, 2018.

Sam Mahood, Secretary of State Alex Padilla's spokesman

CALmatters, "Valid voter fraud complaints in California? Dozens, not millions," March 8, 2017

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