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People urged to be wary of waterways as temperatures rise in Sacramento County

Saturday, Metro Fire was called to rescue three adults on the American River near the Arden Rapids after their pool floatie popped. Luckily, no one was injured.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — More people will be cooling off in the waterways as the temperatures warm up. However, safety officials have a warning.

Officials are calling on people to wear a life jacket on the river, use heavy duty rafts or raft rentals, be careful of hidden objects in the river and avoid getting hypothermia as the river runs colder.

“We are fully prepared and fully staffed for whatever happens,” said Battalion Chief Parker Wilbourn, with the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District.

Mostly small crowds enjoyed the American River this weekend. However as the weather warms up, Wilbourn knows the crowds will only get bigger, and it's important to listen to your body.

“With it as warm as it is outside and the water being as cold as it is, sometimes people do not think they can get hypothermia, but that is just not the case," said Battalion Chief Wilbourn. “You have to be mindful of your body, know the signs and symptoms and get out. Listen to your body when that time does come.”

On Saturday night, the fire district was called to rescue three adults on the American River near the Arden Rapids after their pool floatie popped. Luckily, no one was injured.

“Raft punctured, the air was released, and those folks were then stranded in the river, stuck up against a snag. It could have been very dangerous,” said Wilbourn.

While the water looks inviting, Wilbourn says you should worry about what is going on underneath.

“Potential multiple currents. You also have stuff underneath the water that you could potentially get stuck up against and that water coming against will press you on there and put you in harm's way,” said Wilbourn.

He adds life jackets should always be worn near the water.

“It is very rare that we see anybody that has a significant injury of near-death experience or a fatality, when they are wearing their life jacket,” said Wilbourn. “It is something very simple. We know that sometimes people do not like to do it, but it saves lives.”

If you do not have a life jacket, there are kiosks along the river where life jackets are free.

The fire district and other agencies have a life jacket loaner program, click here for more information.


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