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Crawfish invade rice fields in Colusa County

The freshwater lobsters have turned into a big nuisance for farmers, but a group of fishermen are trying to save the harvest.

Crawfish are invading rice fields in Colusa County.

The freshwater lobsters have turned into a big nuisance for farmers, but a group of fishermen are trying to save the harvest.

Paul Eibe is one of about 10 crawfish catchers in the Colusa area. He sets and checks his traps twice a day in a number of rice fields.

"On a good day you can get a hundred pounds," he said. "They dig holes in the canal banks. Last year a bank gave out and drained a field in an hour."

Eibe says farmers welcome him into their fields because the crawfish can eat the smaller rice plants.

Crawfish catchers then take their catch to a processing plant in Colusa.

On a good day, fisherman can bring in nearly 300 pounds of crawfish.

"We send them all over the states," crawfish grader Raul Martinez said. "Texas, Louisiana and New York."

Martinez says the going rate for crawfish is a dollar a pound. In all, 55 to 100,000 pounds of Colusa-area crawfish is shipped all over the United States.

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