Election Day is not too far away. Be sure to keep up to date with the necessary deadlines and timetables to make sure your vote counts in the 2018 election.
There are election deadlines and time frames for registration, vote centers, and ballot drop-offs. Knowing these dates can mean the difference between having to conditionally register to vote and dropping off your ballot at the vote center with ease.
Voter's Choice Act Counties: Mail Each Registered Voter a Vote-By-Mail Ballot and Packet
Sacramento County is a Voter’s Choice Act county. This means the county will begin mailing registered voters their vote-by-mail ballot and vote-by-mail packet. The mailed information will also include the locations and hours of each vote center in the county.
Vote-By-Mail Ballot Application
On this date, registered voters can apply to the county elections office for a vote-by-mail ballot. Applications that are received before this date begin processing.
Drop-off locations open for Voter’s Choice Act counties
Sacramento County, being a Voter’s Choice Act county, will begin opening their ballot drop-off locations. Locations will be open during regular business hours beginning not less than 28 days before the election through Election Day.
Voter registration deadline
This is the last day people can register to vote. Potential voters can still get a chance to vote afterward by conditionally registering to vote.
10/27 - 11/2
Voter's Choice Act Counties: Open One Vote Center for Every 50,000 Registered Voters
Sacramento County will be opening one vote center for every 50,000 registered voters. Any voter in the county can visit any vote center to vote or receive voter services.
11/3 to 11/6
Voter's Choice Act Counties: Open One Vote Center for Every 10,000 Registered Voters
Sacramento County will begin opening a Vote Center for every 10,000 registered voters. Any voter in the county can visit any vote center to vote or receive voter services.
General Election Day
Polls open throughout the state from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Hand Delivered or Faxed Vote-By-Mail Ballots Returned in Order to be Counted
Vote-by-mail ballots must be delivered to the county elections office, a polling place, a vote center, a vote-by-mail drop-off location, or a drop box by the time polls close.
SemiFinal Official Canvass
The county elections office will begin the count of votes at 8 p.m. They will then report totals to the Secretary of State at least every two hours.
Official Canvass – Beginning
The county elections office begins the official canvass of the precinct returns. This begins no later than the Thursday following the election and must be completed by Dec. 6.
Mailed Vote-By-Mail Ballots - Last Day to be Counted
This is the last day a vote-by-mail ballot is considered on time provided the ballot is postmarked on or before Election Day or if the county election office stamps it due to it having no postmark, postmark with no date, or an illegible postmark upon receipt.
Vote-By-Mail Ballots - Unsigned Identification Envelope
This is the last day for vote-by-mail voters who didn’t sign the identification envelope to sign the envelope at the county elections office or submit an “unsigned ballot statement” in person, by mail, or by email.
Official Canvass Deadline
The county elections office must finish their count, certify the results, and send it to the Board of Supervisors.
Statement of the vote
This is the last day for the Secretary of State to prepare, certify, and file a statement of the vote from the compiled election returns and post it to the Secretary of State’s website.