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Davis school leaders condemn 'terror threats,' tackle school safety

An email was sent out claiming bombs had been placed at nine locations across Davis early Wednesday morning.

DAVIS, Calif. — Bomb threats are becoming a growing problem for the Davis community as the latest incident threatened a total of nine locations from schools, teachers and other educational facilities.

Davis Joint Unified School District leaders condemned the acts of hate and terrorism during a board meeting where they talked safety protocol and potential upcoming changes Thursday.

“Let’s try to sideline and banish hate and fear,” said Elizabeth Moon, DJUSD Trustee.

“Together we stand strong, that is what we need now,” said Victor Lagunes, President of the Davis Teachers Association. “Not just a school site, but a whole community that condemns threats and intimidation on our people and instead, commits itself to inclusiveness."

“These threats of violence, hate speech have no place in our town, nation and community,” said Matt Best, DJUSD superintendent.

An email was sent out claiming bombs had been placed at nine locations across Davis early Wednesday morning, forcing schools to delay the start of their day.

This latest threat marks the fourth different time a bomb threat has been recorded this year in the Davis areas causing lockdowns, evacuations and concern in the community.

“School safety has taken on a whole new meaning in the last couple of months,” said Darre Pytel, Davis Police Chief.

Pytel says there is no indication these threats are being sent locally.

“With current technology, it is rather easy to hide the origin of an email or in some cases, phone calls, and we have reached dead ends on trying to track them,” said Pytel.

At Thursday's meeting, school leaders focused on overall school safety plan after a survey shows students and parents agree the district needs to make improvements. The focus turned to the recent bomb threats, teachers saying the district needs to improve communication during emergencies and give staff and families adequate time to regroup when asked to return to school.

“We are continuing heavy patrols around the schools.,” said Pytel.

He says his department has not found the origins of these threats, but they are still investigating.

Officials urge teachers, students and parents, if you see something, say something.

WATCH MORE: Davis community frustrated over bomb threats to schools, libraries

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