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Who’s running for local seats in Folsom, Rancho Cordova? Here’s a candidate overview

ABC10 asked Folsom Cordova Unified School District board and Cordova Recreation and Park District candidates why they’re running and what issues they plan to tackle.

RANCHO CORDOVA, Calif. — Folsom and Rancho Cordova voters will elect two new Folsom Cordova Unified School District board members to their seats in November.

Cordova-area residents will also elect directors to the Cordova Recreation and Park District board. ABC10 asked candidates in four area races why they’re running and what issues they plan to address (candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name).

Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee Area 2

The following candidates seek to lead Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee Area 2:

  • YK Chalamcherla.
  • Dianna Laney.

YK Chalamcherla

Why are you running?

I'm running for FCUSD Trustee Area 2 because I care deeply about education and serving our community. Growing up in a small farming village in India, my parents worked hard to give me a good education, I walked two miles every day to school through farmlands. Well, their belief that education could change my future proved true, and I want every student to have the same chance.

With a degree in Computer Science and Engineering and over 15 years of active involvement in FCUSD schools while my daughters attended, including PTA/PTO, crossing guard duties and organizing Sober Grad Night, I’ve gained firsthand knowledge of our district’s needs.

We often see that there’s always room for improvement, especially in government administration, where processes and regulations can be complex. My leadership experience in the public sector has taught me how to address these challenges effectively and efficiently. As a Folsom City Council member and active community volunteer, I’ve worked hard to improve our town. As Trustee, I’ll apply my practical, common-sense approach to keep our schools safe, well-resourced and focused on helping every student succeed.

What do you feel are the three major issues facing the Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee Area 2, and what would be your approach to solving them provided you are elected into office?

1. Campus safety — As someone deeply committed to our community, I am dedicated to implementing comprehensive safety plans that involve collaboration among teachers, staff, administrators and parents. My focus will be on prevention and intervention strategies, allowing our educators and students to concentrate on what matters most — quality learning. My common-sense approach to policy will ensure that these safety measures are practical, effective and tailored to the unique needs of our schools.

2. Building and maintaining facilities and fiscal accountability — I understand the critical role that modern, well-maintained facilities play in fostering an environment where students can thrive. That’s why I prioritize building and maintaining well-rounded school facilities while accommodating our district's continued population growth. I see a lot of challenges for the current funding streams; sooner than later, all parties should meet and talk; if the City is approving building permits, then they should actively participate in providing basic amenities besides services. My experience in leadership roles in California has equipped me with the skills needed to think outside the box in searching for funds, administering the necessary funding to build phased-approach schools and ensuring every student has access to the resources they need to succeed.

Fiscal responsibility is at the core of my approach to public service. With years of experience managing large budgets and coordinating statewide services, I understand the importance of ensuring that every dollar spent by the district is used effectively. As I have done as a member of the Folsom City Council, I rigorously oversee budgets and expenditures and continuously evaluate how funds are used to ensure taxpayer money is spent wisely. My focus on efficiency and results-driven policies will help our district achieve its goals while maintaining a strong financial position.

3. Valuing staff/educators and promoting trade skills — I firmly believe that the heart of any successful school district is its teachers and classified staff. I am committed to creating an environment where our staff feel valued, heard and supported. I will advocate for open communication channels so staff can freely voice their concerns and ideas, leading to a more collaborative and positive work environment. 

Every student has unique skills. I will partner with local businesses and community colleges to promote professional advancement. The lack of tailored approaches in schools for underprivileged youth is the greatest factor for young adults experiencing homelessness. Investing in trade education can foster resilience and success in their lives.

Dianna Laney

Why are you running?

I am running for Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee Area 2 because I am deeply committed to ensuring our schools provide a safe, supportive and well-rounded educational environment for all students and staff in FCUSD. I am the only candidate with school-age children and the only candidate who has a background in finance, which will both be assets as the board makes hard choices with the limited dollars available to the district. My goal is to advocate for the entire district and community, including students, their families, teachers and all staff by focusing on long-term, strategic planning: what I call "50-year decisions." I'm passionate about creating and expanding opportunities for all students to thrive and showcase their gifts, whether they be academic, artistic, athletic, technical or something else. FCUSD has made strides in STEAM, Academy and CTE programs, and I want to capitalize and expand on those efforts.  Finally, I firmly acknowledge that our outstanding ensemble of staff is integral to making FCUSD the excellent district it is, and I believe they should be properly compensated and given affordable benefits for their families. I’m committed to making impactful decisions that will positively shape our schools for years to come.

What do you feel are the three major issues facing the Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee Area 2, and what would be your approach to solving them provided you are elected into office?

1. Overcrowded schools and facilities management — One of the critical issues is the overcrowding of schools and the strain it places on our existing facilities.  FCUSD enrollment surpassed 22,000 students this year, and district staff has repeatedly brought up that our capacity issues may require teachers to "hot seat" for classrooms meaning that some teachers will not have an assigned classroom. They will instead need to carry their materials with them and teach in whichever classroom is unused during another teacher's "preparation" time. Not only is this stressful and challenging for the roaming teacher, but it also takes away from our students when a teacher only has moments to completely set up their workspace for the next lesson and then must vacate the space to migrate to another classroom at the end of the class. Waiting to build new schools results in greater wear and tear on existing facilities, with ever-more expensive deferred maintenance. My approach would focus on advocating for more forward-thinking strategic planning by proactively building affordable schools to house students while renovating and improving existing schools to extend their life and give pride to the students, staff and communities who they serve. Taxpayer dollars must be spent wisely and effectively to build trust between the district and the residents they serve, both within Rancho Cordova and Folsom. 

2. Expanding educational programs to prepare students for the future — Every student deserves access to programs that prepare them for life beyond high school, whether they choose college, vocational training or entering the workforce. I will champion the expansion of STEAM, Academy and CTE programs to ensure our students are well-equipped with the skills and knowledge needed in today’s evolving job market. By collaborating with local businesses and educational partners and listening to what interests our young people, we can create more opportunities for whatever path they select. 

3. Supporting teachers, paraeducators and staff — Our educators and support staff are the backbone of our schools, and their voices need to be heard. I will advocate for a collaborative approach that ensures our teachers, paraeducators, site staff and non-classified personnel have the resources, training, compensation and support they need to succeed. By fostering open communication and genuinely engaging them at the beginning of the decision-making process, rather than at the end of it, we can create a more positive and effective educational environment for everyone as they can ensure district policies are based on their real world, classroom experience with the students we serve.

Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee Area 4

The following candidates seek to lead Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee Area 4:

  • Chris Clark.
  • Madelaine Sanderson.

Chris Clark

Why are you running?

I am running for the board because I continue to have a passion for education. Not for selected few, but all 21,500 students in Folsom Cordova, especially those who are underprivileged and our special education students. I want to ensure they have access to quality education. 

What do you feel are the three major issues facing the Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee Area 4, and what would be your approach to solving them provided you are elected into office?

1. Student chronic absenteeism — My plan moving forward is to communicate more with attendance and due process, and work closely with our newly formed community schools to find a solution to get our kids to class.

2. Teacher burnout — I will work with administration to address setting boundaries, making sure our teachers practice self-care and doing my part as a board member checking in on them when I visit schools.

3. Student test scores — We need to work more closely with our teachers to differentiate instruction, engage and motivate our students, and partner and provide support to our parents.

Madelaine Sanderson

Why are you running?

I am a mother with four children currently attending our schools, dedicated hundreds of hours volunteering in schools and with extracurricular programs. I am on our campuses daily and can see the need for more responsive and responsible management. I grew up in these schools, and now my own children are attending the same schools — I have a vested interest in making them better and safer.

I am also the Lead Home Visitor at the Folsom Cordova Community Partnership, which is the local Family Resource Center that serves both the Rancho Cordova and Folsom communities within our school district — so I know the challenges many of our families face and the need for more responsible and responsive leadership from the district.

I will be the voice that represents my community to make changes for better, safer schools and have been working hard to earn votes! 

What do you feel are the three major issues facing the Folsom Cordova Unified School District Trustee Area 4, and what would be your approach to solving them provided you are elected into office?

1. Campus Safety — School Safety Plans are crucial within a school district and we must invest in School Resource Officers to prevent problems, not just respond afterward.  District staff need to collaborate more with school administration, teachers, campus monitors and other staff. The district also needs to be a better partner with local families and community agencies such as our law enforcement and firefighters. I am honored to have received endorsements and support from the Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff's Association, Folsom Police Officers’ Association and Sacramento Area Firefighters Local Area 522. I will work closely with our Coordinator of Safe Schools, Community Safety Specialist, and all of our community agencies while listening to our families and those who work directly on our school sites to update our School Safety Plans. As I have been going door-to-door for over a month now, families continue to share how safety is one of their biggest concerns. 

2. District budget — We must ensure that the school district budget is managed better to improve school facilities, raise test scores, recruit more teachers to address falling retention and instructional shortages, reduce class sizes, and fix the inequitable distribution of resources for students in Rancho Cordova. The school district needs to be better partners (not competitors) with our city leaders and we need more accountability regarding the physical and academic state of our schools here in Rancho Cordova and Folsom. Doing these things will help our entire school district. 

3. Parental engagement and involvement — Every study shows that parental involvement improves outcomes for students academically and socially. Parents want what is best for their children — the school should not be ignoring or overruling parents, they should be listening to them and engaging them for more than annual fundraisers. Parents should be encouraged to voice their concerns and be kept fully informed about what takes place inside and outside of the classroom. There are many ways for parents to be involved and to partner with our schools if the district would just let them. I will remove barriers that prevent families from being more involved and ensure parents always know their rights when it comes to their children's education and well-being.

Cordova Recreation and Park District Director Division 3

The following candidates seek to lead Cordova Recreation and Park District Division 3:

  • Brian Faulconer.
  • Michael Yearwood.

Brian Faulconer

Why are you running?

I have coached local youth all my life, and I can’t stand by and watch politics and bureaucracy allow our public parks and sports fields to fall into disrepair or local youth sports get shoved out in favor of wealthy out-of-town teams. Parks are a core service — we need leaders who can work with the city and school district to meet the needs of our community, not spending money on bureaucracy and administration. I have spent my professional career innovating business and management, I’m also a scientist who focuses on hard facts. I will put those skills and my passion for the community to work making our parks safer and providing local youth sports with the facilities to serve Rancho Cordova’s youth.

My plan is simple: Renovate parks and ball fields to make them safer and more useful. Elevate oversight to ensure better district management and fiscal planning. Innovate new facilities and programs to serve our residents, seniors, sports teams, and schools.

What do you feel are the two major issues facing the Cordova Recreation and Park District/Division 3 and what would be your approach to solving them provided you are elected into office?

1.  I hear from too many local coaches and youth sports leagues that our ball fields and facilities are so poorly maintained they are not safe for our children — or are unavailable to local teams because the district is renting them to out-of-town teams who can pay more.  I will revamp park district policies to ensure maintenance of our sports field is improved to make them safer and that leagues from Rancho Cordova have priority to out-of-town leagues.

2. I will use my business experience to review the budget to ensure that our parks are prioritizing maintenance and safety and that we are providing facilities that provide seniors and families with programs and spaces they can enjoy.

Michael Yearwood

Why are you running?

I have served as an at-large board member since May 2015. The district switched to district elections before the 2022 General Election. Since joining the board the district has accomplished so much. We have opened 11 new parks with two more planned to open before the end of 2024. All but one of these parks is located in District 3. My proudest moment during my time on the board was the opening of the award winning new Cordova Community Pools at Hagan Community Park in 2021! The district has also completed over 200 capital improvement projects, big and small, throughout the district totaling $19 million. In District 3, 45 projects were completed totaling $2.4 million. The district has received 20 Awards of Excellence from local, regional and state agencies. The district budget has doubled from $10 million to $20 million. The district saw its Bond Rating improve from BBB+ to A- after demonstrating financial strength and accountability. All of these accomplishments were possible because of the dedication, hard work and focus of the entire board of directors, general manager and staff.

There are some challenges facing the district that I know my knowledge, experience and passion will be helpful in solving. The district’s future is bright with many more new parks and facilities coming in the future as development continues. The district is formulating a plan now to address the financial needs to facilitate updating existing parks and facilities.

I am running to continue serving the community I moved to almost 50 years ago and care greatly about. I have been a resident of what is now District 3 since October 2002 and have a great perspective on the needs of District 3 and the entire district. My experience, knowledge and passion will be a valuable asset to the district and its residents.

What do you feel are the two major issues facing the Cordova Recreation and Park District/Division 3 and what would be your approach to solving them provided you are elected into office?

1. Rising costs for utilities, materials and labor;

2. Improving aging parks and facilities;

Both issues will require the same approach. The district will have to be creative and “think outside the box” to find new funding sources to help offset increasing costs and to fund capital improvement projects in aging parks and facilities. My approach to resolve these issues will remain the same since joining the board. I will work with my fellow board members to provide direction and fiscal oversight to the general manager and staff on these issues. Our general manager and staff have proven time and time again that they are up to the challenge. I have confidence we will find solutions and continue delivering excellent parks and facilities to the residents of Cordova Recreation and Park District!

Cordova Recreation and Park District Director Division 4

The following candidates seek to lead Cordova Recreation and Park District Division 4:

  • Joshua Arnold.
  • Rick Sloan.

Joshua Arnold

Why are you running?

I have been deeply involved in the community for years, and I have noticed a decline in the quality and safety of our parks and the accessibility of sports fields for local families and youth sports teams/leagues. I will put my experience in business and as a Certified Playground Safety Inspector to work improving management and making our parks and sports facilities safer, cleaner and better maintained.

What do you feel are the two major issues facing the Cordova Recreation and Park District/Division 4 and what would be your approach to solving them provided you are elected into office?

1. Better maintenance of our park amenities and facilities — While sitting on millions of dollars in funds, too many of our parks are not maintained, many lack modern amenities and too many local youth sports leagues are not able to get access.  I will demand better maintenance and access for local youth.

2. Financial accountability — Public agencies must be held accountable for financial management and transparency. My experience as an auditor will enable me to work with the Recreation and Parks District improve fiscal management and ensure expenditures are in line with California State standards and common sense.

Rick Sloan

Why are you running?

I’m running for my fifth term (on the) Cordova Recreation and Park District (CRPD) Board of Directors. This is the first time I will be running for Division 4 representation. This is also the first time that I will be running in a “district wide” election. I also serve on the California Association of Recreation and Park District (CARPD) Board. I’ve served twice as the president of the association. 

I’ve lived in Division 4 for 38 years. My wife, Rebecca, and I raised our three children in Division 4, and this is where they would like to raise theirs. I believe the citizens of Division 4 deserve a representative that has the experience and passion to not only give them the best possible representation but also has the knowledge to keep the entire district moving forward. My experience as a board member since first elected in 2008 brings that experience. 

What do you feel are the two major issues facing the Cordova Recreation and Park District/Division 4 and what would be your approach to solving them provided you are elected into office?

The two major issues that we face in Division 4 are upgrading and repair of aging park amenities and sustainability. Through grants and partnerships with the county and City of Rancho Cordova we can repair/replace aging sports courts, add needed walkways and shade structures. The sustainability is a little more challenging. In November of 2016 we passed Measure J. This Measure gave our older parks more funding for repairs, upgrades and extra needed maintenance. This fund added about $65 more per year per household in what is called the Park Maintenance and Recreation Improvement District (PMRID). With it we were able to make all our older parks ADA accessible and address safety issues that go hand in hand with parks that were built prior to 2000. Lincoln Village Community Park was built in 1969. The residents of Mather would like to have a dog park. The residents of Lincoln Village would like to have new tennis courts, dedicated pickleball courts and full court basketball. I know exactly what Division 4 needs and the expertise to make these needs a reality.

I hope this helps you understand why I want to continue serving the CRPD as a board member and representing Division 4.

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