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Galt McDonald's employee honored with Lifesaving Award after saving customer using CPR

Hillary Crownover says a Galt McDonald's restaurant regular fell to the floor so she began administering CPR to save him.

GALT, Calif. — Galt city and Cosumnes Fire officials presented McDonald's employee Hillary Crownover with a 'Lifesaving Award' Friday after she revived a fallen customer using CPR.

One of the restaurant's regulars fell as Crownover was clocking in for her morning shift, and that's when she sprang into action.

"I heard that snore like when they can't breathe. I immediately saw his eyes were pinpoint, so started CPR immediately," she told ABC10. "My boss and the other people came out for him, they called 911. I talked to the 911 dispatcher who said 'don't [stop],' so I just kept doing it."

Her arms gave out after continued chest compressions and another person stepped in to continue CPR.

She went home thinking the man died, but the fire department called to let her know the customer survived.

"This is my second time actually doing CPR. The first time was on my dad and he didn't survive," said Crownover. "I think the world works in mysterious ways because this one turned out so much better. It actually restored my faith to help people."

Credit: ABC10
Galt McDonald's employee Hillary Crownover honored by Cosumnes Fire Department Chief Felipe Rodriguez for saving a man using CPR.

Cosumnes Fire Department Chief Felipe Rodriguez presented Crownover with the 'Lifesaving Award' alongside other first responders and Galt police officers.

"She started CPR, which allowed us as first responders between the Galt Police Department and the Cosumnes Fire Department, to come and continue those efforts to rescue someone and save their life," Rodriguez said. "And that morning, you did exactly what you're supposed to do."

The man she saved attended the award ceremony at the Galt McDonald's, sitting with a cup of water and coffee as if it were any other day.

Credit: ABC10
The man Galt McDonald's employee Hillary Crownover is credited with saving using CPR.

Crownover says she served in the Army and National Guard, and even decided to learn CPR for babies after having her children.

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