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Power usage becomes concern as 100 degree heat wave looms for Sacramento

"We're preparing for the heat wave now. This includes the use of outage protection models that help us identify in advance potential location, time and duration."

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A widespread heat wave is causing concerns over power use in the Sacramento area.

In past years, California had close calls with rotating blackouts. As of now, California's energy grid operator (California ISO) doesn’t anticipate calls for a Flex Alert, but that could change as they monitor the conditions.

"I'm not excited at all about the heat, but it is part of living in Sacramento. So you kind of have to just accept it," said Kelsey Taylor, a mother visiting one of Sacramento's parks with her son.

Families are expecting the heat wave to hit like no other and with more people planning to crank on their air conditioners, it could trigger a peak in power usage.

Nonetheless, PG&E says it’s ready.

"We're preparing for the heat wave now. This includes the use of outage protection models that help us identify in advance potential location, time and duration for those outages," said Jason King, who is a spokesperson for PG&E. 

PG&E uses a self-healing technology installed on the power grid that helps restore power and smart meter data to help identify outages and locations more accurately.

"The advice right now is set your thermostat at 78, if possible. Move as much of your power usage outside of peak periods as far as peak periods being during the daytime when temperatures are the hottest. And most importantly, be prepared should you have a power outage," said King.

California ISO says it's watching the forecasted hot weather, but at this time, it's not seeing any impacts to the power grid.

They say the system is stable and no supply deficiencies are predicted through the holiday weekend.

Sacramento native Kelsey Taylor has this advice. 

"Get out early and turn your fans on and get a mister. You got to just survive. When you live in Sacramento, you know it's hot in the summer, so you have to just survive," said Taylor.

PG&E says you'll want to be prepared for a power outage by having flashlights, radios and having everything charged up.  

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