MODESTO, Calif. — Firefighters say 100 cars were damaged after a fire at an auto salvage yard in South Modesto.
Few details about the fire are available at this time, but Modesto Fire Department described the incident as a five-alarm commercial fire along Crows Landing Road.
A spokesperson for Modesto Fire Department said the at least 100 cars were damage in the salvage yard.
One of the big concerns for firefighters was the smoke plume and toxic smoke that came from the cars. Deputy Chief Darin Jesberg said plastics from the cars burn hot and and produce the smoke.
Investigators with Stanislaus Regional Fire are working on the cause and origin of the fire at this time. The fire has since been contained with extensive mop-up ahead for fire crews.
A type 1 strike team from San Joaquin County is also helping with Modesto Fire cover their calls due to the resource draw of the fire. Jesberg said crews were kept busy due to the salvage yard fire, a structure fire and a vegetation fire today.