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Yellow fever mosquitoes found in Roseville. Here's where

They were found in the Foothills Junction neighborhood May 31, according to the Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District.

ROSEVILLE, Calif. — Aedes aegypti, or yellow fever, mosquitoes have been found in Roseville.

They were found in the Foothills Junction neighborhood May 31, according to the Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District. This is the first time they've been found in Placer County in 2024.

The vector control district is following its invasive mosquito response plan to determine the extent of the infestation and eradicate it.

Residents should check their yards for standing water and get rid of it. Some common areas to check include draining flower pots, dumping plant saucers, covering rain barrels, cleaning out clogged gutters and more. Find a full list HERE.

There have been no positive tests for West Nile virus in Placer County as of June 3, 2024, according to the vector control district.

Aedes Aegypti Map

Here's a map of where Aedes aegypti mosquitoes have been detected. The yellow area is from 2024 and the orange areas are from 2023.

What repellent should you use?

There are five active, EPA-approved ingredients known to be effective mosquito repellents, according to the Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District.

  • DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide)
  • Picaridin (KBR 3023)
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus [p-menthane 3,8-diol (PMD)]
  • IR 3535
  • Permethrin

Find more information HERE.

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