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'I'm sure my dad's happy': Family of former Kings trainer Bill Jones shares his story

Bill Jones' family still lives in the Placer County area. "Jonesy," as he was known, lived in Roseville until his death in 2005.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Bill Jones was the Kings' athletic trainer for more than 20 years. He taped up ankles and kept the players in top shape from the early 70s until he retired in 1996.

"He was back in the original Kansas City Kings," said his daughter, Jennie Beauchamp. "We came here in the 85-86 season... a long history with the Kings."

Jones' family still lives in the Placer County area. "Jonesy," as he was known, lived in Roseville until his death in 2005. His wife still lives there, along with decades of Kings memorabilia.

Jones' grandchildren, Bryce and Kelsi Beauchamp, were kids when their grandpa died, but they have good memories growing up in a Kings-saturated family.

"He had some cool friends," said Kelsi. "At his funeral, there were all the Kings players."

ABC10 even asked former Kings head coach and long-time commentator Jerry Reynolds about Bill Jones.

"He was just an automatic friend," said Reynolds. "You know the first time you meet him, you know him, and there's not a phony bone in his body." 

Jones, a longtime fixture of the Kings, was also a well-respected professional.

"He was not only the athletic trainer, but he was also like the therapist and the friend," said Jennie.

As for the Kings' success this season?

"I'm sure my dad's happy," said Jennie. "He's smiling down on all of this. He was always the quiet guy, but I know he's happy."

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