SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) extended the Tenant-Based Voucher, or Section 8 housing waiting list, deadline and it is set to end tonight at 11:59 p.m. Feb. 9.
SHRA officials think the COVID-19 pandemic might be impacting the lack of applications received. The agency has received more than 20,000 applications so far, but only 5,000 will be selected. This is the first time pre-applications for the program have been opened since 2018.
The SHRA encourages people to apply at using any device with access to the internet. Information is also available in multiple languages on the website. This application is free.
Eligibility consists of households who are homeless or rent-burdened, have a household member who is a veteran, have a household member who is disabled, and who live or work or was hired to work in Sacramento County.
"We are going off with preferences in order to serve the neediest families first," said Tanya Cruz, Sacramento Housing and Development Agency Program Manager. "So people who are disabled who are paying more than half of their income towards rent and utilities, somebody who might be homeless, so we're trying to target the neediest of the neediest first.”
Applicants must have an email address to submit their pre-application online and can choose to receive the application as a paper document at:
- California Black Chamber of Commerce (1600 Sacramento Inn Way, Suite 232)
- La Familia Counseling Center, Inc. (5523 34th Street)
- Rose Family Creative Empowerment Center (7000 Franklin Blvd. Suite 1000).
To prepare for the pre-application, have these documents/paperwork ready:
- Your own social security number (You can put zeros in for your social security number and you can guesstimate what you income is if you don't know the exact numbers).
- Income
- Disability eligibility
- Date of birth of household members and their social security numbers (if applicable)
Those eligible will receive rental assistance as funds are available. For reasonable accommodation, the SHRA advises those to call (916) 440-1390 or 1 (800) 855-7100. You can apply at