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Student recovering being shot by a 14-year-old student at Grant Union High School, police say

Police said they are grateful for the collaboration between the agencies and the school district in being able to quickly end the situation.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A Grant Union High School student is recovering after he was shot on campus around 10 a.m. Tuesday morning. 

It happened in broad daylight, and shortly afterward, parents and community activists banded together to support students and families. Dozens of parents arrived on scene after the shooting. 

One worried mother told ABC10 off camera that her daughter had texted her "Mom, there's a shooting. I love you." 

Although there isn't an exact number on how many students witnessed this incident, it's clear it was traumatizing to both parents and the kids. 

"She called me. She was like, 'Dad, I think I heard a shooting.' And I was like, 'Well, how many sounds did you hear,'" said Richard Bair, who is a Grant Union High School alumni and parent of a freshman. 

Following the shooting, students at Grant High School began calling their parents to notify them of a shooting on campus. The school was immediately put on lockdown and stayed that way for hours. 

"We were all just sitting there waiting with no real news for a little bit. And then we heard, 'Oh, yeah. No, someone got shot in the arm. There's an ambulance,'" said Allison White, a student at Grant Union High School.

Sacramento police responded to the shotspotter activation at the high school, and officers began working with Twin Rivers police. They found the student who was shot and took the student to a hospital.

"He sustained a gunshot wound, non-life threatening, noncritical to his arm. And working together with Twin Rivers, they quickly apprehended the individual involved with the shooting down the street," said Carlos Martinez, spokesperson for the Sacramento Police Department. 

Police said the shooting happened on campus outside in this parking lot area.  

The suspect, a 14-year-old boy, was taken to juvenile hall and booked on assault-related charges. The victim is a 17-year-old boy. What led to the shooting is under investigation.

But students said they're fed up with the violence surrounding their school.

"This is not the first time. It's pretty frustrating that it's something that keeps going on. And of course, I want to be safe at school, like that's something that's so important to me, my family, my mother of course. It's pretty sick, like we should not have to be dealing with this every day," said Nerissa Hamilton, a junior at Grant Union High School.

Because of the situation, Bair said he's taking it upon himself to talk to his daughter and warn her about possible shootings.

"You got to leave yourself an exit. Everywhere we go. Everywhere, restaurants I have to sit facing the door, so we stay on top of situations like that cause you never know. It's not, like I said, just school. Its life, unfortunately," said Bair. 

Police said they are grateful for the collaboration between the agencies and the school district in being able to quickly end the situation. 

Meanwhile, parents are hoping the school district will stay on top of safety protocols.


Watch | Shooting investigation at Grant Union High School

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