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New PAC-12 term sheet reveals what Sacramento State is getting themselves into

A five-year deal and million dollar penalties are just some of the points.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Through a public records request, ABC10 has obtained a copy of the agreement letter for new members of the PAC-12 Conference.

That includes San Diego State, Fresno State and Boise State, Colorado State. It’s a glimpse of what the future could look like for Sacramento State if they get in. This is still the interim period so terms could change, and there is room for schools negotiate on some options.

Going to the new PAC-12 conference will be a big commitment.

According the Membership Terms and Conditions issued on Sept. 11, 2024, schools are agreeing to be in the conference from July 1, 2026 until June 30th, 2031 unless they negotiate a different date.

Barry Broome is the CEO of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council. He along with several other members of the business community have been raising support and funds for this new venture.

“It’s a complete transformation in the position of the university to play in a major sports platform like the PAC-12 so I would actually prefer it to be longer,” said Broome.

Should a school agree to be in the Conference of Champions, but leave before joining in 2026, the penalties are huge.

The Interim Period section states schools can revoke their election to the join only if they receive an A4 invitation. In the Withdrawal section, the A4 is referenced as the Big 12, ACC, SEC or Big Ten but they must pay liquidated damages penalty of $30 million.

If a school doesn’t become a member on July 1, 2026 for any other reason after entering the agreement the PAC-12 can collect a damages payment of $40 million.

We asked the SAC-12 committee a group of local leaders spearheading the campaign if this is concerning.

Josh Wood is the Co-Chair of SAC-12 Committee and says they are feeling confident.

“Sac State has already done a FBS study and gone through the process of evaluating all this stuff already so this is absolutely a set of rules that we can meet,” said Wood.

There are several benefits.

A school retains 50% of the revenue paid to the conference for College Football Playoffs, NCAA and NCAA basketball Tournaments.

The rest of the 50% is divided out to the other schools.

Also, all members will share in the NCAA Basketball Tournament expenses.

“This is an important business decision for Sac State. Being in the PAC-12 will allow us to be Title IX compliant, it will allow us to pay for the programs that are non-revenue,” said Broome.

Currently Sacramento State plays in the Big Sky Conference.

The PAC-12 said they will not be paying exit fee for schools from the Mountain West.

According to the Big Sky Constitution in the Withdrawal section 1.3.6, withdrawing with the proper one year notice will cost $250,000. The fee is determined based on how many years an institution has been a member. Sac State joined in 1996 would puts them in Member Part F that withdrawing after six or more years cost $250,000.

 “If we need to pay it for it to happen we will do it,” said Wood.

We reached out to the Sacramento State Athletic Department for comment on the terms, they said they’d like to reframe from commenting at this time.  

The new PAC-12 terms also include the withdrawal process once a team is already playing in the new conference and wishes to leave.

Schools may leave before 2031 with a least one year’s notice only if they receive an A4 invitation. Schools must pay damages equal or greater of two times that school’s PAC-12 distribution for the preceding year or the aggregate amount the media rights fees are reduced under the media rights agreement as a result of such school’s departure for equivalent two contract years. If there is only one year left than it’s media rights fees for one year. Should multiple schools leave in the same year the media rights fee is calculated and split across the departing schools.

Schools cannot leave for a non A4 offer before the 2031 date. If a school leaves or becomes independent without an A4 offer they owe three times of the school’s PAC-12 member distribution for the proceeding year. That price will be doubled if a school leaves with less than a years notice.

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