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Sacramento Loaves and Fishes co-founder remembered for deep commitment to helping less fortunate

"She really had quite an intense and beautiful way of seeing people as full human beings - that their humanity was what mattered most to her."

SACRAMENTO, California — A beloved co-founder of Sacramento Loaves and Fishes is being remembered for her selfless acts to help the unhoused.

Chris Delany, 90, died Sept. 3, shortly after Loaves and Fishes turned 40 years old. 

Delany is known for being the co-founder of Sacramento Loaves and Fishes, but the meaning of her life goes much deeper for those who helped carry out her mission. 

"She was really just so deeply committed to serving folks who are less fortunate folks, who are living in really difficult circumstances. And she really had quite an intense and beautiful way of seeing people as full human beings - that their humanity was what mattered most to her," said Angela Hassell, executive director of Sacramento Loaves & Fishes.

Loaves and Fishes is described as an oasis for adults and children experiencing homelessness. Hassell says there's no way Loaves and Fishes would exist without the contributions of Chris Delany and her husband Dan. 

She credits Chris for attracting volunteers needed to carry out the work. 

"Without Loaves and Fishes, I think there would be a light that goes out for a lot of folks that are experiencing homelessness. I think there might be more people on the streets," said Hassell. 

Chris and her husband's goal was to create a space where people who are often invisible, can be seen. 

Hassell says her legacy at Loaves and Fishes and in Sacramento is one of deep commitment to service to the poor and to Delany's faith. 

"Folks that are inspired by those tenants of the Catholic worker movement and really walking alongside folks as we all go through this life together. You know, I think that's a big piece of her legacy that she leaves behind and that each day is a new day, each day a new fight. And we've got to do the best we can with each day that we have," said Hassell. 

Her memorial service is planned for Thursday at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Midtown at 1 p.m.  It is open to the public for people to stop by and pay their respects.

Rest well, our friend & co-foundress. 💚

Posted by Sacramento Loaves & Fishes on Thursday, September 14, 2023


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