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Sacramento mother convicted of killing her infant in microwave

Jurors say Sacramento mother is guilty of first degree murder for killing her baby in a microwave oven back in 2011.
Ka Yang in Sacramento courtroom.

Jurors decided Friday that a Sacramento mother is guilty of first degree murder. Ka Yang, 32, cried in the courtroom when the verdict was read. She was accused of killing her baby in the microwave oven back in 2011. 

The jury decided Yang is guilty of burning her 6-week-old baby to death in a microwave oven. Doctors said the infant died of third-and-fourth-degree burns from head to toe.

She claimed her child died after Yang had a seizure. She said she blacked out, woke up and found the child near a space heater.

According to Yang's attorney and loved ones, Yang did not deliberately kill her baby girl.  They say Yang wanted a daughter and couldn't have been happier when her daughter was born.

"We're just very disappointed and believe it was the wrong verdict. Justice was not served today," Yang's attorney said. "This is such a tragedy. this child was a victim of miss Yang's epilepsy, of her disease. It was not deliberate conduct on behalf of miss Yang." 

"She had been praying for a baby girl, and she had been praying for a year," Lao Thao, a family spokesman said.

Yang has three other children. The boys were all under the age of 7 when the incident happened. They are now living with relatives.

Yang is expected to be sentenced December 18.

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