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Sacramento Police Department launches new recruitment strategy as applications decline

Applications to the Sacramento Police department have been on a steady decline from their high of more than 6,000 applications to only 2,500 applications last year.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Sacramento Police Department is launching a new series called "Journey to the Badge" in an attempt to stimulate recruitment.

The series highlights the unique stories of local officers as a way of recruiting more people to the force at an especially challenging time.

"I wanted to be a police officer since I was a little kid, and I'm extremely privileged to be able to work here at the Sacramento Police department," said Sgt. Eddie Macaulay.

The 36-year-old is in charge of recruitment for the department. He launched the Journey to the Badge series because of a downward trend. Applications to the Sacramento Police department have been on a steady decline from their high of more than 6,000 applications in 2013 to only 2,500 applications last year. It is not like it used to be.

"Nope. I'm the first one in the family to want to be a police officer," said Macaulay. "The parents were obviously like, 'No, don't do that.' but again it has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever been able to do."

Macaulay even turned to Sacramento Police Officer Filmore Graham, who is a Grammy-nominated rapper. He wrote a song to help recruit new officers for the department.

RELATED: Grammy-nominated rapper, Sacramento Police officer records new department recruitment video

"We try to be new. We try to be innovative, and if something is not working," said Sgt. Macaulay. "We look at a better way to do it with the community's input."

In addition to the music videos and social media posts highlighting current officers the department has also relaxed their tattoo policy and changed their education requirements as well

"Recently we were able to change the policy to where if you have four years of active duty military service that will substitute any education requirements," Sgt. Macaulay. "We want people to really consider being the difference in their community."

To learn more information, head to joinsacpd.org.

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