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Q&A: 3 things to know about Mayor Steinberg's State of the City address

ABC10 spoke with the mayor about the top three things to know ahead of the address.

SACRAMENTO, Calif — On Thursday, Mayor Darrell Steinberg will deliver his final State of the City address as Sacramento voters prepare to vote in a new mayor in November.

ABC10 spoke with the mayor about the top three things to know ahead of the address.

How would you describe the state of the city?

Steinberg: The state of the city is strong. Crime is down. We've had the single biggest reduction in unsheltered homelessness of any major metropolitan area in the state. And we have a lot more work to do. And of course, I'm leaving in a couple of months after eight years as mayor, and I want to take some time to reflect on the last eight years because they have been historic, they have been challenging.”

What message are you hoping to send with the location of the speech?

Steinberg: “I chose a location and Aggie Square, of course, is the signature project where Chancellor Gary May and UC Davis have have fulfilled a long-held promise. And they've come across the river and working with the private sector and the Wexford company, the the developers. This is a multi-billion dollar investment in the heart of three historic neighborhoods in Sacramento along the Stockton Boulevard Corridor. And I wanna tell that story how it came together and what it means for the future of our city because it is the model, I think, not just here in the city but elsewhere of how to begin growing a city and leave no neighborhood behind.”

Will there be any big announcements?

Steinberg: “No. I'm going tease maybe a big announcement, but we're not ready yet. We've got some things that we have been working on for my full eight years related to the downtown, the Railyards, the waterfront that I hope and believe we're going to get done before I leave office in December.”

The State of the City address is Thursday morning.


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