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Meadowview sculpture toppled by strong winds to be fixed by 2024

The 'kinetic' art installation mounted outside the Pannell Community Center last year was set to be a Meadowview neighborhood landmark before collapsing.
Credit: Mikaili Kamau

SACRAMENTO, California — A kinetic art sculpture meant to highlight the South Sacramento area of Meadowview toppled more than once since it was erected in 2022 should be resurrected for good by the end of the year.

The art installation meant to represent two rivers in Sacramento was colorless and resembled a butterfly attached to a swaying beam, moving with the wind.

Though the art project first approved in 2019 was championed by city leaders, neighbors say the sculpture didn't withstand heavy winds.

Credit: Sacramento Mayor's Office
Meadowview kinetic art installation in 2022.
Credit: ABC10
Damaged Meadoview sculpture (November 2023)

Sacramento Art in Public Places Manager Donald Gensler told ABC10 that the sculpture suffered damage during a couple of windstorms.

The winds were too strong for the lighter gauge material the artist used to create more movement in the sculpture, he said, and the artist has been working on a redesign.

"He is currently finalizing the engineering and building the new mast for the artwork. We are working with the artist and a general contractor to have the artwork re-installed before the end of this year," Gensler told ABC10. "Currently we are on track to make that happen."

He went on to say the Sacramento Office of Arts + Culture expects the Meadowview project to become the community landmark as planned.

"We take our art installations very seriously and have worked hard to bring art and culture to all areas throughout the city," Gensler said. "We look forward to seeing the installation of the re-designed section."

MORE ART:   If you've driven along I-5 in the 'boat section' through downtown Sacramento, you've likely seen colorful, fist-sized pieces of recycled glass in the separators. It’s all part of a Clean California project to beautify the interstate.

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