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Former student files lawsuit against Pierce Joint Unified School District

The 22-page lawsuit includes allegations of racism, discrimination and negligence over four years.

ARBUCKLE, Calif. — The Pierce Joint Unified School District and multiple Pierce High School teachers are facing a lawsuit that contains allegations of racism toward Black and Latino students.

The 22-page lawsuit filed Aug. 9 boils down to four allegations of violations of the United States code: racially hostile educational environment, intentional discrimination by denial of benefits of a public education, First Amendment retaliation and violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.

The lawsuit also alleges Pierce Joint Unified School District practiced negligent supervision, training, hiring and retention. The lawsuit was filed by a former student who graduated from the high school in 2024.

Southern California-based attorney Brad Gage represents the student.

"I was shocked, outraged, surprised," Gage said about learning of the allegations. "The claims basically involve racial comments being made... including calling him the N-word."

The allegations happened multiple times, over multiple years, from 9th grade to 12th grade, according to the student.

"We've had teachers making comments. The school is aware of it. Nothing is done. It's tolerated. Teachers think it's funny; they laugh about it," Gage said. "Students make comments of a racial nature, nothing happens to them. Meanwhile, Black students are treated differently by the administration."

At one point, Gage said the alleged behavior turned violent. According to the lawsuit, a teacher grabbed the student's head and slammed it onto a desk causing him to bleed.

ABC10 reached out to the Pierce Joint Unified School District. A spokesperson said there would be no comment due to the ongoing litigation.

"Now that he's out of the school, the retaliation that the school can exert on him is lessened, of course, and the fact that he's 18... I think it's part of growing up and becoming a man when you realize that you can make a difference in this world and right the wrongs so that others don't suffer," Gage said on his client's decision to file the lawsuit months after graduating.

The student is asking for compensation for damages, legal expenses, interest, punitive damages and civil penalties.

The lawsuit is in the discovery phase ahead of a trial or settlement.

"I'm hoping that others will come forward and contact us so that we can help everyone, and we can help to change this culture that is unacceptable," Gage said.

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