SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park General Plan is changing to “reflect a shift in interpretive focus toward historic inclusivity.” The California State Park and Recreation Commission voted unanimously to make the change during Tuesday’s meeting.
“It’s not changing (the interpretation of Sutter’s Fort) to quiet some people who challenge it, it’s really changing it to be more accurate in the telling (of history),” said Calvin Hedrick, Mountain Maidu and community organizer.
The amendments do not change physical space at all and only change content.
Here’s what will change from the 1990 general plan:
- Interpretive periods and themes have been changed to re-center Native American experiences and bring new critical rigor and purpose to analyzing the complicated and often violent history of Sutter’s Fort
- Living history concepts are no longer the preferred interpretive device to examine and present history at Sutter’s Fort, however California State Parks will continue to use a wide range of immersive interpretive means to communicate the interpretive themes outlined in the 2023 Interpretation Master Plan
- The Declaration of Purpose was updated
- Rooms and exterior spaces can now be used with greater flexibility and an extensive range of interpretive tools such as modern exhibits and displays which weren’t previously allowed
“The tribe's understanding of the previous general plan is woefully outdated and continued discriminatory practices of tribal communities. In short, it viewed tribal people as objects in history as opposed to active participants in history,” said James Sarmento, representative of the tribal government of the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians.
The park is upon a Native American graveyard, resulting in no ground disturbance for the area.
Conversations about a possible name change for the museum also surfaced but no changes will take place at this time.