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UC system announces new policies for handling protests

One of the biggest changes is reinforcing policies that ban camping on campuses.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Schools across the University of California are updating their campus climate policies this school year, following major protests that unfolded last year over the Israel-Hamas war. 

University of California President Dr. Michael V. Drake said in a statement the school system spent the summer reflecting on their current policies and how they can strengthen them going forward.

“Freedom to express diverse viewpoints is fundamental to the mission of the university, and lawful protests play a pivotal role in that process,” Drake said.

One of the biggest changes is reinforcing policies that ban camping on campuses. Encampments were set up in schools across California that led to some clashes between Pro-Palestine and counter protestors. 

“Consistent application of policies and laws are key to achieving the delicate but essential balance between free speech rights and the need to protect the safety of our community and maintain critical University operations,” Drake said.

The schools will also be stricter when it comes to masking to conceal one's identity and refusing to reveal one’s identity when interacting with university officials.

“Our ultimate goal is for all of our community members to feel supported in their ability to express themselves, and to pursue their studies, research, patient care and other work on our campuses,” Drake said.

The UC will need to submit a report to the California legislature detailing consistent enforcement of the campus climate policies by Oct. 1 in order to receive $25 million in funds. 

In May, Pro-Palestine groups set up an encampment on UC Davis and demanded the school divest from investments in Israel. UC Davis declined to comment on the new policies.

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