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Solano County to do 30-day review of California Forever project before vote

Hundreds of attendees represented their opinion on the project like a stoplight — red shirts wishing to stop the project and green shirts supporting the project.

SOLANO COUNTY, Calif. — Supporters and opponents of the controversial California Forever project flooded the Solano County Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday ahead of a board vote deciding how quickly the measure would head to voters.

Supervisors had three options: approve the measure, put it on the November ballot for voters or approve doing a 30 day, impartial study. The meeting was packed with nearly 300 people, many participated in the hourslong public comment and had to wait in multiple overflow rooms. 

The board ultimately voted 5-0 to allow county counsel “to prepare an impartial analysis of the measure” and prepare a fiscal impact statement if the project would affect the county financially if approved. 

The majority of people, supervisors and public commenters alike, overwhelmingly supported doing a study and returning to the vote in a month. Some were concerned 30 days was not enough to do a proper, useful report for voters. 

Attendees represented their opinion on the project like a stoplight — red shirts wishing to stop or prevent building and green shirts supporting the project and building. 

Though the initiative will ultimately go to the ballot, many residents and voters are still concerned about and have questions regarding water, transportation and traffic, population and potential impacts to Travis Air Force Base. 

The report will be presented to the board in 30 days, which is the July 23 meeting where they will have another vote to approve the project or put it on the November ballot. 

The Solano County Registrar of Voters gave a presentation on certifying the signatures for the project initiative and said printing the 88 page California Forever East Solano Plan into the voters guide could cost the county $744,000.  

WATCH MORE: California Forever in Solano County | Explained

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