SACRAMENTO COUNTY, Calif — Fire crews had a busy weekend battling structure fires in Sacramento County.
A fire caused significant damage to a garage at a home on Vogelsang Drive in North Highlands over the weekend. Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District says the fire started outside of the home and spread into the garage. The homeowner’s family tells ABC10 everyone was able to make it out okay.
Fire crews were also busy putting out a fire at a home on Sunol Way in Rancho Cordova over the weekend.
Sacramento Metropolitan Fire said they believe both fires were sparked by cigarettes.
The dry brush and hot temperatures make for a dangerous combination in the summertime, especially when items are nearby that could spark a fire.
"Very hot outside, fuels are very dry, everything's dry and prime to burn," said Capt. Parker Wilbourn. "You have to pay attention because fire can erupt in seconds and cause significant damage."
Wilbourn said crews were able to save the interiors of the homes in both cases.
As the summer continues, Wilbourn expressed the importance of properly disposing of cigarettes and ash from barbecues.
"We've seen so many times people go, they put their steaks on the grill, they leave, they go back inside, they do other things, they come back out and there's an inferno," he said.
He said ash should be disposed of in a metal can and allow them to sit for a few days before putting them in the trash can. Also, people should make sure the ash cools down because hot charcoal can cause a fire.
Equipment use can also spark fires, including law mowers, welders and chain saws. It's important to have clear space around you away from dry grass and avoid use in windy or dry conditions, according to Cal Fire.