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Sacramento area groups dig deep for Maui wildfire relief efforts

Household items, medical supplies, water, and food were collected and lined up at the Port of West Sacramento’s Harbor Blvd entrance.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — More relief from California to Hawaii is on the way as local relief efforts help collect money and food for the victims impacted by the wildfires.

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) of Sacramento, Stockton and San Francisco came together to host a donation drive. The mission was simple, collecting donations for Maui.

“Just overwhelming with the generosity from our city,” said Tim Campbell, president of ILWU Local 18. “The community coming together is actually overwhelming. We have no idea it was going to turn out this big.”

Campbell says he and his colleagues only had one day to get the word out.

“I am more shocked than anybody in this whole place because I thought we were going to have enough to do four or five pickup loads,” said Campbell. “We had somebody donate a whole container and a truck to drive down to San Francisco for us because it was so big.”

Household items, medical supplies, water and food were collected and lined up at the Port of West Sacramento’s Harbor Boulevard entrance. Local farmers donated more than 8,000 pounds of rice.

Another organization, the Salvation Army Del Oro Division hosted a fundraiser at the Capitol Mall Farmer’s Market, helping raise money for victims.

“A million people give $1, that is a million dollars, we could do a lot of good with that,” said Patrick McGinn, who is the disaster services director with the Del Oro Division of Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army in Lahaina is providing more than 7,000 meals a day to people displaced by the fire, as well as emotional and spiritual care.

“The people of Maui need help,” said McGinn. “They need hope, and they need people with hearts to give.”

The donated items collected by Campbell and his colleagues will arrive in San Francisco Thursday and then will take a three-day journey via ship to Hawaii.

If you want to donate to the ILWU, contact tcampbelljr@live.com. If you want to donate to the Salvation Army, click here.


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