YOLO COUNTY, Calif. — A new alert system in Yolo County intends to let people know when their place in line for the COVID-19 vaccine comes up. It comes courtesy of two new web links from the county.
The first link is for healthcare workers in Phase 1A Tiers 2 and 3; it lets them sign up for upcoming COVID-19 vaccine clinics. While the link is specifically for people who work in Yolo County, people who work in other counties but live in Yolo County can also sign up if they can't get a vaccine through their workplace or the county their workplace is in.
The second link is for vaccine notifications and information for the general public. Generally speaking, the alert system will let you know when it is your time to get lined up for a vaccine.
The system has you fill out an interest card where you provide contact information and once your place in line comes up, you get notified about how to register for a vaccine appointment either with the county or through your doctor.