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Here's what Emilia Clarke learned from dating Seth MacFarlane


Emilia Clarke and Seth MacFarlane broke up three years ago, ending one of the stranger Hollywood pairings we've seen in recent years. (We'd love to see how that first date went down.)


Emilia Clarke and Seth MacFarlane broke up three years ago, ending one of the stranger Hollywood pairings we've seen in recent years. (We'd love to see how that first date went down.)

And in a new interview with Glamour, Emilia discussed one of the unintended consequences of dating such a notorious star — nosy strangers butting in to share relationship advice.

Well, a con is you have strangers giving you love-life advice like, “I’m a big fan of the show, and I’m not sure what you’re doing with that guy,” which I didn’t react well to," she said. 

"That happened in New York when Seth and I were together. This guy started to give me advice: “Can I get a selfie? And by the way…” Unh-unh, bro."

Hear that, bros? Mansplaining Emilia Clarke's relationship to her is a no-no.

In case you're curious, Clarke's current relationship status is "chilling."  "I’ve got a good thing going," she says, an expert dodge if we've ever seen one.


Read the whole interview here.


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