PLACER COUNTY, Calif. — Currently, round trip travel on the Capitol Corridor runs only once a day. But the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) wants to change it to 10 times a day.
On Thursday, PCTPA reached out to the public for their opinion on how PCTPA can improve their commute.
"If you live in south Placer County, you can commute down to Sacramento or on to the Bay Area, or reverse," said Luke McNeel-Caird, deputy executive director of PCTPA.
McNeel-Caird said the development will not impact traffic because the work will not be on the highway. Development is planned for the Capitol Corridor and bike lanes.
However, McNeel-Caird said there will be operational upgrades in 2021 that will cause traffic. He said the upgrades will benefit commuters because fewer people will be driving.
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The plan itself will be finalized at the end of this year.
“It doesn’t take in consideration certain portions of this area that are going to increase future development, future housing, future jobs...,” said Angela Torrens, who came to the presentation.
Torrens said the Capitol Corridor would be impacted again.
She said the plan does not show how Placer County Transit will connect to the Capitol Corridor.
"People who are trying to traverse even from Auburn, who don't take the Capitol Corridor train, need to know where the line will be available to them... The bus line needs to meet that criterion," Torrens said.
Torrens said it will be a huge step in the right direction if PCTPA integrates the comments it received today.
PCTPA is asking for the public for help by filling out an online survey.