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Without evidence, Arizona GOP claims election is being stolen, holds protest outside state capitol

The protest is being held around two hours after news stations called the election for Joe Biden.

PHOENIX — Editor's note: The above video was taken from an earlier broadcast of protesters outside of the Maricopa County tabulation center. 

Protesters are gathering outside of the Arizona State Capitol Building under the instruction of the Arizona GOP just hours after numerous news stations called the election for Joe Biden.

The Arizona GOP organized the protest to "stop the steal" of the election, even though no evidence of an attempt to steal the election exists.

The protest is being held on the fourth straight day of protests outside of the Maricopa County tabulation center.

The people protesting are at the tabulation center, where volunteers are counting the ballots sent in before or on election day, demanding that all ballots be counted in Arizona.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich on Thursday told 12 News he has no evidence there are attempts to disenfranchise voters and that although he is still looking into some outstanding complaints from voters.


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