SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The city of Sacramento may increase single-family residential garbage, yard waste, recycling and street sweeping fees beginning in 2020, with all eventually ballooning to over $12 a month.
The first increase is set for 2020, which will be $2.74 a month.
Erin Treadwell, outreach manager for the Sacramento solid waste and recycling department, said one of the reasons for the fee increase is because China refuses to purchase recyclables from the United States. This changed recycling in Sacramento from a being source of income to an expense.
Fuel, garbage disposal and labor costs increasing are other factors that lead to the decision of proposing additional fees. The last rate increased was approved in 2015
Sacramento also plans to increase the occurrence of street sweeping from every six weeks to once a month. The change comes from a survey the city conducted that street sweeping services needed improvement.
A public meeting for the garbage fees increase is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28, in the Sacramento City Council Chambers, 915 I St.