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'It's looking a lot better': High school referee shortage may be a thing of the past

"If these officials aren't here, we can't have these games," said Will DeBoard, commissioner of CIF Sac-Joaquin Section.

ELK GROVE, Calif. — A job requiring think skin and being able to roll with the punches is what makes high school sports able to continue. That's right, we're talking referees. 

"If these officials aren't here, we can't have these games," said Will DeBoard, commissioner of CIF Sac-Joaquin Section.

Last football season many games had to be played on Thursday's or Saturday's because there were too few officials available to ref Friday night games. 

This year though, things are looking different.

"This year it does appear as though there are quite a few more officials out there working," said DeBoard. "Knock on wood. At least right now, the shortage we were dealing with last year is not there. It's looking a lot better."

The CIF is being proactive to make sure they don't experience another shortage.

"Our official groups are out there recruiting heavily," said DeBoard. "They're out there at many of our events with their signs and tables and banners and trying to get people to come out and officiate." 

To retain these officials and keep from another shortage, DeBoard says there's something players, coaches, fans and parents are advised to do — behave. 

"Officials are human and they can hear when people are yelling at them. As far as our fans go, you can disagree with a call, do it in your mind instead of doing it with a megaphone," said DeBoard.

For anyone interested in becoming an official with the CIF, you can find more information HERE

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