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Jesuit High School plays first football game under permanent stadium lights

A packed house against rival Rio Americano was a fitting occasion to unveil the permanent stadium lights.

CARMICHAEL, Calif. — Jesuit High School has a rich tradition and on Friday it added to it as its football team played under permanent stadium lights for the first time in history.

“Just proud that we are able to have this moment,” said Athletic Director Hank Weinberger. “I am just at loss; I am just super proud all of the work put into this.”

A packed house against rival Rio Americano was a fitting occasion to unveil the permanent stadium lights.

“This is the first game under permanent stadium lights (for) Jesuit High School and also on American River Drive. Both us and Rio have been in existence since 1963, and this is the first game under permanent lights for this community,” said Weinberger.

Four poles are outfitted with LED lights including shades to avoid light pollution spilling into neighborhoods.

In years past, the school used temporary ones for a few games, but would usually have to play Saturday afternoons, at times in the unforgiving heat.

Sacramento County Supervisor and Jesuit High alumni Rich Desmond and his colleagues voted in favor of this experience.

“That was tough. I played on a lot of Saturdays afternoons right here,” said Supervisor Desmond, who graduated from Jesuit in 1988. “It is hotter now than it was then. We did not have artificial turf back then and that makes it even hotter. It is good from a health perspective.”

The battle for this experience has been long.

Some neighbors like Barbara Dugal say they are worried about the new impact from the lights and the existing impacts of traffic and noise.

“Tonight, we are watching and listening to see what is going,” said Dugal. “People think, 'just let them have their football games,' it is the practices that happen. Lacrosse, rugby and all the other sporting events. It is the private entities that comes to do their campus, it is almost every day of the year.”

Dugal adds people who attend athletic events at Jesuit should park on campus, which will go a long way addressing many of the concerns.

The school tells ABC10 they are striving to find that balance.

“We want people to park on campus, we really do. We get that message out early,” said Weinberger.

Supervisor Desmond says the school will have ongoing meetings with the neighbors so concerns can be addressed. The Jesuit Football team will have three more home games over the next few months.

WATCH MORE ON ABC10: Jesuit High renames field to honor Fallen Hero Shane Barnes ‘07

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