SACRAMENTO, Calif. — It may have been a while since some of us went through Driver's Education classes, and some of the rules of the road could have been forgotten. That, however, is no excuse for bad driving, according to the owner of Global Driving School, Leigh Hua.
Hua's first tip for driving defensively through Sacramento's streets is to be alert.
"Always be alert, Look ahead. Look out for pedestrians, bicyclists, skateboarders, and scooters," Hua says. Remember that pedestrians have the right of way in California, and stop behind the line before inching forward into traffic.
For his second tip, Hua recommends getting a recent copy of the California Driver's Handbook and studying up current regulations. “Make sure you know the rules of the road," says Hua. "Before you even start driving, you’ve got to understand what the signs on the road mean. If you don’t know what they mean, you’ll be in trouble when you’re on the road.“
Remember that while you are behind the wheel, your sole job is to drive. Referencing cell phones and tablets, Hua says, “Put away the distractions and be more focused on the road while you’re driving.”
These reminders sound easy, and putting them into practice will keep us all a lot safer on the roads.
To take a Defensive Driving course with Leigh Hua, contact Global Driving School.
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