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New traffic shift on westbound Highway 50 in Sacramento

The new traffic shift will go from Watt Avenue to 65th Street.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Caltrans is adding another lane split in Sacramento on westbound Highway 50. 

There is already a traffic split on westbound Highway 50 from 26th Street to I-5, just before Pioneer Bridge in West Sacramento. 

The new traffic split will also be on westbound Highway 50 from Watt Avenue to 65th Street. It'll go into effect on Saturday, July 15. According to Caltrans, the shift should be in place for the next three months. 

For people wanting to exit at Howe Avenue/Sacramento State, stay in the two right lanes. If you're driving toward downtown Sacramento, you can stay in the leftmost lanes to avoid additional congestion. 

Credit: Caltrans

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